Diesel XXX party

on domenica 12 ottobre 2008

Last night, Diesel had a party for its XXX

birthday. As this jeans' brand has always tried to rock the life of its customers, it wanted to do it again all over the world. Indeed, in 17 cities of the globe a multidisciplinar party was held.
Acrobats, great djs, Vodka Absolut as a sponsor...everything for free, or maybe not. Basically, you had only to catch the invitation. How to do? Buy a special edition item in Diesel's shop, and you'll have it. So, are you sure to have taken part in a free event?
By the way, free or not, who cares when you're part of thousands people, dancing in the shadows and above you there are flying people doing stunts instead of the poor ceiling of Studio 2000 in via Mecenate (Milan)?
Nobody can forget the asthonishing party of last year in Bassano del Grappa (the base of Diesel) with Moby playing in the park. Nobody could never forget also the last night experience.
Well done again, Diesel!

Diesel XXX party in Hong Kong


Diesel XXX party in Milan @Studio 2000