Bozzetti: Malpensa is the essential Fashion Hub

on mercoledì 7 gennaio 2009

"Malpensa is the essential hub for northern italian fashion firms. To expropriate Milan and Lombardia of a such important international airport might create a damage to all the Fashion system in the region and in Italy. Like this, the risk is to favour other competitors-cities like Paris, London, NY where journalists and buyers may find easier to land." This is what has been said by Giovanni Bozzetti, president Lombardia for fashion commitee.

He continues: '''The reduction of the number of flights on Malpensa and the choice of Air France as partner instead of Lufthansa might represent the end of the economy in the region and in the northern area. This is due to the fact that traders want to reach Milan nonstop, while tourists don't mind this. That's why Rome can sustain it because its an historical city and Milan needs an international airport as it is a financial one.