Strength in Emotional Design

on mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008

Great design materializes emotion, evoking a connection between people, brands and experiences. It's the things we don’t see that are the most essential to creating a great design. The emotions we feel, moods we embrace, atmosphere we savor, and environments in which we exist play a large role in inspiring a design vision that becomes a great product.
The design process is deeply integrated with engineering, brand and strategy, working seamlessly to develop industrial design solutions that lead to success for firms. Through research, testing and targeted design, it has to be removed the subjectivity from the product development process and address important, yet often overlooked human factors.

Everything is in order to provide high value to strategic product development and design-driven, inspiring products. These ones pays testament to the ability to create products that fulfill human needs and solve business problems.

The best design is not a commodity, and will never be. It can’t be canned, duplicated or outsourced. It is an amalgamation of discipline and imagination, a marriage of skill and bravado. It possesses the strength to alter moods, change perceptions, and evoke attitude. In the end, design is the tangible manifestation of a strategy.